Saving for a Car

by Magical Penny on June 17, 2019

A new car (even a pre-owned, new to you, car) is a big purchase.

My first ever car


For most of us, aside from a house, and perhaps a once in a lifetime trip, cars are one of the most expensive things that we will buy. Few of us can rush out and just buy a car whenever we fancy it. It takes time to choose the right vehicle for our needs and to find a car that meets our standards. But, it also takes time to save, and unfortunately, we don’t always have that time. If you suddenly find yourself facing a commute to work or school, you need a vehicle. If you find out your family is about to grow, you might need a larger car, and if your current vehicle starts having more severe problems, you might find that you need a replacement sooner than you might have hoped. So, let’s take a look at some ways to save for a new car when you don’t have as much time as you’d like.

Shop Around

You might not be able to afford a brand new car, let’s face it, not many of us can. And, even if you can, you might have other things to spend your money on, and a second-hand car can be exceptionally good value. But, even then, some cars are much more expensive than others. Shop around using sites like Trade Price Cars, but don’t ever sacrifice safety, to get a better price.

Explore Financing Options

Buying a car outright can be expensive, and it can take a long time to save once you factor in associated costs like insurance and tax. Fortunately, that’s not the only way to buy. Explore options like car finance, which could allow you to split the cost over a more extended period. If that’s not an option, you might want to consider a loan or borrowing money from a family member.

Trade In Your Current Car

If you are looking to bring costs down, it can be worth exploring the option of trading in your current car. Private traders will often buy old cars, or you might be able to trade towards the cost of your new vehicle. If this isn’t possible, you might want to try to sell your car for yourself, or you could at least sell it for scarp to cover some of the costs.

Make Some Cutbacks

Not everyone wants to take out financing plans or borrow money. Some of us prefer to pay for things in full, even if that will take longer. If you need a car soon, the best thing to do is save money by making cutbacks at home. Build a household budget and look at easy ways to make savings. Could you cancel any contracts or memberships? Or make some reductions? Could you spend less on food or luxuries? See what you can afford to save, open a high-interest account, and set up a direct debit for that amount. When you can save more, do it. Another option is working overtime or finding a lucrative side hustle.

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