#RealTalk On Real Estate Investments

by Magical Penny on September 6, 2017

The property market is undoubtedly an investor’s dream.

Average prices have increased steadily for over half-a-century, meaning that it’s one of the safest options out there. Moreover, it’s an arena that offers huge versatility. This allows individuals to find suitable solutions for their specific budgets and goals.

riskHowever, making money on the real estate market isn’t as easy as it might first seem. If it were, everyone would be doing it. Before jumping in at the deep end, it’s vital that you make yourself aware of some realities. Do this, and your hopes of success will be greatly increased.


#1. There Are Risks

Generally speaking, the increase in property prices outweighs the rate of inflation. But you’d be very foolish to think that all investors make money. This world doesn’t provide free cash for everyone. While there are plenty of winners in this playground, there are many losers too.

Experience is vital, which is why you must be wary of taking on too much too soon. Fixer-uppers can be particularly risky business, so taking an alternative approach may be better. Buy-to-let deals on multiple properties can be particularly useful as you’ll only need to have them partially full to break even. Ultimately, though, you must analyse the options to find what’s right for you.

#2. You Will Need Help

Again, the perceived ease of making money can convince investors to go it alone. While you might generate a profit this way, the chances of unlocking the investment’s full potential are very slim. Finding the right support is essential.

Financial advisors can suggest where your capital will be best spent. Meanwhile, Patrick Ascenzo Fawkner real estate experts can help assets fetch a far greater sale price. If nothing else, asking experienced investors to be your tutor can prove to be priceless. Either way, taking on the challenge alone is rarely the best solution.

#3. You Must Remove Affection

When building a home to live, growing an emotional attachment to the property is very natural. For a financial investment, though, you must refrain from thinking about personal tastes. Maximised gains are the only concern.

As an inexperienced investor, research is everything. The Investopedia guide to attractive features should help you spot the best possible opportunity. Just remember that little quirks can often limit your potential audience, and you’ll be in a far stronger position. The sooner you appreciate the differences between buying a home and an investment, the better.

time is on your side#4. Patience Is A Virtue

When done right property investments can be lucrative. But if you thought it would be a route to quick returns, you were sorely mistaken. The process of buying a property can be long winded while finding a buyer or renter can take time too. As such, you may require some patience before seeing any ROI.

Timing is everything in the real estate market. If you don’t have the personality to sit patiently before striking at the right moment, you might be better suited to another form of investing. Because if you aren’t going to turn a profit, the whole venture is a waste of time. And that’s real talk.

For more Property-related advice click here to browse other Magical Penny articles on the Property topic

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