Keeping Your Mining Staff Safe

by Magical Penny on February 4, 2022

Mining has always been a dangerous and challenging job, and if you have a team of amazing miners – you owe it to them to make sure that they are safe and secure as much as possible. 

It is essential that you always check over your procedure to ensure that you are doing the best for your workers. 

Here are a few considerations when it comes to keeping your miners satisfied, healthy, and well organized. 


You know that mining can be a dangerous job, and so do the miners. It is important that you always accept that it is hazardous and things can happen. A false sense of security can be detrimental to the miners. 

Foster the understanding that your staff should work as a team and always have each other’s backs. Accepting the danger is essential to doing a good job in the safest way. Cutting corners can be lethal. 


Even if your team has been mining for years, and some of them for longer than you have been running the mining company – training is a must. 

Up-to-date safety protocols can save lives. Staff training should be a must for all new starters, but continued training should be standard. 

Refresher courses can keep your team fresh and aware of their job. It can also be a good idea for those who are in the more labouring role to often have physicals and medical check-ups too. 


All equipment should be maintained to the highest standard. This means using specialized mining equipment cleaning and regular inspections. Safety equipment can make the difference between a brain injury and getting a slight knock. 

Ensure that all of your mining team have every piece of required safety equipment and that they are encouraged to seek new equipment as theirs wears out. 


If you have safety procedures and specific protocols but they are ‘known’ by the team rather than available to read – you might have team members who are missing vital information. 

Making sure that you have taken the time to have clearly defined safety procedures and that every crew member has a copy 0 and is well versed in them can save their lives – or the lives of others. 

These documents should outline some of the things that could go wrong, the action they should take, and then who to contact. This guide can ensure that any hazards are minimized. 


You likely have several crew members that have a wealth of experience and are in supervision roles. It is vital that you take the time to head down to the mines often and pay attention to what you see. 

Supervising your team often will mean that you have a clearer idea of what they need and how best you can support them to get the job done to the best of their ability. 

And finally, one of the big parts of any job is to make sure that your team is mentally healthy at all times. You might choose to do this through regular meetings, or you might have a regular get-together for your team. Keep an eye on any staff who aren’t themselves, and always have your door open should they need to talk. 

And one of the key hazards in mines can be fires. To make sure you are taking all the right precautions, check out: Don’t Let Your Business Go Up In Smoke



The real estate industry is one that has always held a high barrier of entry. In order to even break into these kinds of investments, you’ll need to have enough money to at least partially purchase a house. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that everyone can do on a whim.

We’ve all heard the idiom that it “takes money to make money” and the real estate industry certainly is one that showcases this very clearly. After all, if you can buy a house and sell it for even 5% more the following week, that’s some serious profit you’re making. But with advanced technology and undiscovered investment strategies, is it still the case? Is success as a real estate investor all about how much capital you start with?

The answer is complicated.

Money certainly makes it easier

We won’t lie to you; it’s certainly easier to make a profit if you have more starting capital as a real estate investor. Even if it’s not real estate, the idea that having more money means you can make more money still holds true. If you want to sell big and luxurious homes, then working with project managers like Costas Constructions is essential, and hiring them can be fairly expensive if you’re not accustomed to real estate development. At the end of the day, there are a lot of people to pay and there is a lot of money at stake.

But take note; we didn’t say that capital is a prerequisite for being successful.

What does success mean to you?

When it comes to defining real estate success, money isn’t the only metric that you should consider. Many people find that success can mean whatever they want it to mean. Some people believe that success is about obtaining financial freedom, and others feel that success means whatever they want it to mean. Others believe that success is just a term used to describe that you’ve reached a goal. Once they’ve accomplished something, they consider themselves successful and will move on to the next goal.

In other words, success isn’t defined by how much money you make unless you choose that to be the only metric worth thinking of.

Being successful with less capital

Having more capital doesn’t necessarily mean that an investor is smart. Someone could invest $500,000 into a property and see $600,000 back, essentially making it a 20% gain in profit. However, if you were to invest in something worth just $15,000 but could make $30,000 back, that’s a huge 100% profit that you’ve made. This means that you’re a lot more efficient with your investment and you made a much larger profit.

This is certainly possible with larger sums of money too. For example, buying run-down properties and renovating them could help you almost double your profits if you’re smart about it. Investing in lesser-known areas with a long-term property strategy can also be just as profitable, often resulting in massive gains if you’ve done your research. With so many ideas that have yet to be explored, it’s important not to feel intimidated by real estate investments just because you have less capital to start with.


Is Your Medical Storage Up To Standard?

by Magical Penny on February 4, 2022

Suppose you own or manage any facility that has the requirement of medication storage, like elderly care homes, for example. You need to know that your medical storage is the best around. 

It isn’t just vitamins and pain medication that you’ll need to store carefully; some items will need specialist storage, like a vaccine fridge, for example. 

So how can you make sure that your medical storage is up to standard? 


If you started with a smaller property, then you may also have less storage in the early days. As your business expands, your storage needs expand too. If you have patients at your facility, most likely, they will attend a desk, or a medicine trolley will be rolled around. 

But what about where you store the medicine? They should be easy to access when in the storage room, well-labelled, and well lit. 

It can often be beneficial to have specific medicine types grouped together so that it is easier for your staff to get what they need quickly. 

Of course, if you have any injectable items, the fridge may take up a lot of room. 

Make sure your medicinal storage is an acceptable size. 


Each facility will need a bespoke set of storage. The needs of an elderly home in terms of storage will be different from rehab or a psychiatric unit. Small hospitals and doctor surgeries will need something different again. 

If you aren’t around on a daily basis, it can be worthwhile to check out the storage unannounced and see what it looks like. 

Do you have enough lockboxes, fridges, freezers, and other storage? And also, consider that your storage, space, and security of medicines could be a limiting factor in your growth. 


One thing that can never be taken for granted is the security of the staff with the keys to these facilities and the drugs themselves. Even if you have never had an issue in the past, keeping your medicines safe is a priority. 

Most often, there will be lockboxes behind a locked door, and only authorized staff can access them. 

There are several other options that can be useful depending on the layout of your medical storage: rolling security doors, overhead caging, or lockable isles. 

When considering the best options for lockable secure storage, it is important to consider anything extra that may be added. Is there still space for specialized medication? What if you were to have a patient or service user that had unique needs. Would your storage hold you back? 

Even the smallest facility that stores medicine needs to be fit for its purpose. Carefully laying out your storage, ensuring there is room for an addition, ease of access for staff and that everything is secure is a must. 

Every business, no matter what industry you are in, has goals for growth. This includes medical services and facilities. So if you are considering what your growth might look like and how you can prepare for it, then check out this: The Ultimate Guide to Saving Money While Growing Your Business. 



A Guide For Finding The Best Insurance

by Magical Penny on January 27, 2022

Insurance is essential for various areas of life. It helps protect our assets and finances. 

You can attain insurance for your car, life, belongings, travel, house, and so much more. However, attaining the right insurance deals will ensure you get the best protection and avoid issues should you need to claim from your insurance. Not having the coverage you thought you had could get you in a difficult situation. 

Avoiding insurance buying mistakes will never be easier than using this guide on how to find the best insurance.

Ensure the insurance company is reputable

Reputable insurance businesses will ensure to provide you with safe and secure deals, which will offer you the right coverage. Likewise, they will not hide any terms from you, which will help when you need to make a claim. 

For example, using a reputable business like La Playa Insurance will ensure that you can seek the right protection for your business and its assets. You will understand the terms and coverage from the day you sign up and ensure that you can have peace of mind for your business. 

Shop around for prices and packages

Although it might feel easy to choose the first insurance company and deal you find, you will get so much more out of your money and your deal if you shop around. 

First, you will need to understand the average price for the type of insurance you are looking for. For instance, if you are seeking health insurance, then finding an average price for your age and health condition will ensure that when you find a deal, you know if it is a good value or not. 

Likewise, understanding the coverage policies will ensure that when you choose the insurance deal, you will have the right coverage for your needs. 

Not all insurance policies include the same coverage. Hence, doing your research and finalising what you want and need from the deal before you shop will make sure you know exactly what you are looking for. 

home insurance in the UKPackage deals

Speaking of packages, it is possible to attain package insurance deals that cover an array of things, not just one. 

For example, some packages can include phone, car, health, home, and bank insurance, which will likely lower your overall payment. Getting a package deal might involve less coverage for certain things, so it is important to look through its offerings and make sure it is right for your needs. 

Avoid paying premiums

Although paying a premium for insurance can help you attain more coverage, you might not necessarily need it. 

For example, paying a premium for your phone insurance could entitle you to £200 cover when it gets lost. However, your phone might only be worth £100, which is within the basic package. Hence, you won’t need premium coverage. Therefore, avoid paying for the premiums if you don’t need them. 

Using this guide, you will be able to make savvier choices when shopping for and buying insurance. It will maximise your spending and what you get in return from the insurance policies. 



Tips For Making The Best Property Investment Choices

by Magical Penny on January 27, 2022

For those who enjoy investing their money into something that can offer a great return of investment, then look no further than property. 

Buying land for new homes

Buying land to build new homes is a highly profitable business. Although it involves a huge down payment, it will guarantee to offer a return in profit. 

For example, a company like NFC Homes can assist you with expert advice on building your homes for sale, as well as attaining the best land, deals, and construction professionals to kickstart your project and investment. 

Find a good price

Whether or are new to investing in property or know your stuff, it is so important to do plenty of research into the current market prices. This will ensure that you pay the best price in order to attain the best profit. 

Simply searching online for local property prices to the one/few you are investing in will make sure that you get the best price. 

Consider residential properties over educational/business buildings

The most profitable area of the property is residential homes. This always sees an increase in price, especially when additional features are added. Education and business buildings very rarely see upgrades and enhancements. Likewise, they are difficult to upgrade, which means they are less likely to see huge profit potential. 

The more you can upgrade a property, the greater its return of an investment will be. Hence, think wisely about the area of the property you invest in. 

Understand the risks

Every investment can come with risks, even property investment, which is the most profitable. Therefore, it is important to understand the risks so that you can avoid potential mistakes and make the most from your investment. 

Mistakes can often be choosing low-profit properties, such as educational buildings. Hence, knowing this risk can ensure you know what you are investing in. 

Find the right funding

If you do not have your own money pool to use for investing, then you will need to source funds. Finding the right funding will ensure that you maximise your profits and avoid debt. 

The best way to source funding is to find companies that offer zero interest for repayments. If you use a loan or funding company that adds extreme interest, then your profit margin will be significantly reduced. 

Explore different ways of purchasing

The most obvious way to invest in property is going through an agent. However, this might involve agent fees and like funding options, you might reduce your profit potential. 

If you can build your own expertise and portfolio, then you could purchase properties yourself and therefore, cut the additional fees for agents. You can maintain the most profit and every penny you earn will be yours. 


Four Useful Finance Tips To Help You Succeed

by Magical Penny on January 26, 2022

It’s impossible to predict the future, but experts’ financial projections and current patterns in the financial world give us a sense of what the future could hold. Inflationary pressures have been exacerbated for those in the US by new IRS regulations and increasing interest rates.

To ensure your financial security this year, it’s imperative that you make the right decisions. Here is some great financial advice that can help you achieve your goals. 

save early, save often

Start Early 

It might seem like common sense, but you should begin saving and making wise financial choices as soon as possible; start early in your life. An example would be to make sure you open a pension account as soon as you have a job and contribute generously to it. Building a secure financial future is always a good idea. It’s never too late to start planning for a better financial future, no matter where you are in your career, but the earlier you start, the better the results will be. 

 Pay Down Your Debts

Prioritise paying off your high-interest debt this year to prevent the upcoming increase in interest rates.

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Federal Reserve in the United States lowered interest rates, making it easier for customers to borrow money. However, as the economy has improved and present inflation has been more prominent, the Federal Reserve is quite likely to raise interest rates, making borrowing an expensive business. Because of this, everything will be affected, from credit card debt to mortgages.

 Consider paying off your credit card debt to avoid paying exorbitant interest rates in the future. Use credit cards with introductory zero percent tariffs. Also, if you have a variable-rate mortgage, you may want to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage to avoid having your rates fluctuate with market conditions. It’s ideal to speak to an expert mortgage broker to help you with this if it’s the right thing for you to do. 

Look At Unnecessary Expenses

Doing a review of your finances will help you better understand your spending habits. It’s possible that you want to stick to a predetermined spending plan, but most people are unaware of their own spending habits. As a result, your monthly savings may fall short of what you had hoped. But the good news is you can deal with this quite easily.

To begin, establish a monthly budget spreadsheet in which you record all of your incoming and outgoing transactions. An annual magazine subscription, for example, that you no longer read, could turn out to be an unhealthy spending habit, but you might only notice it once you note it on your spreadsheet. 

 Overspending at restaurants and buying high-end goods you don’t need are two examples of bad spending habits. The first step in dealing with these issues is to recognise the patterns. 

Assess Your Financial Security 

As you begin a new year, you may want to look at your financial situation. Evaluate this in terms of your capacity to pay your bills and your ability to cover any unforeseen medical expenditures or income loss. 

Depending on your current financial situation, you may need to expand your emergency fund, put more money into investments, or take other measures to prepare for unanticipated financial problems. Aside from that, if you’re in a good place financially, you may want to put aside money for other things like a new home or new ventures.


Six Steps To Fix Up A Fixer-Upper

by Magical Penny on January 14, 2022

There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of homes around the country that need a little TLC in order to live up to their potential. Most will never be much more than a place for people to sleep at night, but some have so much potential that they’re well worth the effort it takes to fix them up. If you have your eye on a fixer-upper, but don’t know where to start after you move in, here are six things you should do.

1. Get the Water Turned On

If you’re buying a home that has been vacant for any length of time, this might be something your realtor will need to handle for you since it’s their job to make sure everything is in working order before you move in. However, many people moving into brand-new homes are often surprised when they get their first utility bill – usually larger than expected because the previous owners hadn’t paid it, and it had been accumulating for quite some time. Madison Fox is a market-leading estate agent and will guide you here.

2. Get Rid of Ugly Wallpaper

There are few things worse than living with outdated wallpaper for even a few days, but if your home is full of it, you’re going to want to start by ripping it off. The paper can often be removed simply enough with a little elbow grease and water, so long as the glue hasn’t begun to stick too firmly. If you have stubborn paper that just won’t come down, a paper stripper will do the trick.

3. Give it a Fresh Coat of Paint

Getting rid of old wallpaper is one thing, but giving your walls a fresh coat of paint can make all the difference in how people perceive your home. Even if you have to hire professionals to do this for you, it’s worth it to see your home looking clean and new again. A quick coat on the ceilings will also do wonders for your empty rooms, as well as cabinets you plan to keep.

4. Update Outdated Appliances

Before you buy a brand-new fridge or stove, make sure you look at all of your options – there are many different styles to choose from. It may be worth the extra expense to get something that not only works well but fits in perfectly with your home’s decor. The same goes for other appliances you plan to keep – it might be worth considering new countertops along with your appliances, especially if you enjoy cooking and entertaining guests.

5. Add Some Character

For most people, their home is more than just a place to sleep. It’s the place they relax, entertain guests, and spend time with family. Because of this, it can be easy to overlook things like faded paint or stained carpets. If you’re not afraid to make some changes – even major ones – your home can become the place you always wanted it to be.

6. Organize Your Closets

If there is one part of your home that everyone sees, it’s the closet space – especially if you have a walk-in or large master suite closet. Make sure you organize this area so everything has its own place and can be easily found when needed. You can use a variety of storage options, including shoe cubbies and racks for storing off-season clothing and accessories.

Enjoy Your Home!

After all your hard work, you should be proud of the home you’ve created, so enjoy it!


How To Make Sure Your New Property Is Safe

by Magical Penny on January 11, 2022

You’ve spent a long time, perhaps many years, saving up for the deposit on your new home, and now you’ve finally signed the paperwork, and you’re about to move in. Yet before you can truly get settled, there are some things you’ll want to do to ensure you are perfectly safe once you start living in the property you just spent all that money on. Read on to find out what you should do before moving into your new home.

Connect The Utilities 

No one wants to move into a house and find they have to wait for days or even weeks for their electricity, water, gas, cable, broadband, and other services to be switched on. Not only is this frustrating, but depending on your own health and the time of year you move, it could even be dangerous, especially if it’s cold and in the middle of winter. 

Therefore, the first thing you should do is switch on the utilities from your previous property in your new home, or switch them on for the first time if you are a first time buyer. This covers water, electric, and gas companies, as well as cable and internet service providers. Changing service providers while moving into a newly bought house is more straightforward in certain places than in others. If this isn’t feasible where you live, make sure your home has been adequately winterized so that no pipes break during cold weather. 

By phoning each utility provider directly or reading their FAQ page accessible online, you can learn about their procedure for establishing services at a new location. It’s critical to understand what has to happen before all appliances can be utilized again in your new home.

Make Sure It’s Clean

You may need to spend an entire day cleaning your new house once the utilities are switched on. If you don’t want to do this or you don’t have the time, send in specialists as soon as possible after closure to guarantee that everything is clean and tidy. You should also consider contacting a firm that specializes in drug testing rental properties to guarantee your family settles into a totally clean – and safe – property.

You don’t want to move into a filthy house when it might take weeks for things to smell and feel clean again; you want to just move in and start enjoying the place. So if cleaning (assuming it’s needed) can take place before the big moving day, that’s ideal. 

Test All Detectors And Appliances 

Before you and your family move in, be sure to inspect every smoke detector and appliance. The last thing anybody wants is for their new house to catch fire, so don’t neglect this step; it could save your life, or at the very least, your property. 

If the furnace / boiler hasn’t been serviced in the last year or two, it’s also a good idea to have an expert specialist evaluate it. This will guarantee that everything functions properly when temperatures fall below freezing during the winter months. Also, some HVAC professionals provide annual maintenance programmes, which can assist in keeping heating equipment functioning smoothly during winter weather. 


Realistic Ways to Make Money Online in 2022

by Magical Penny on January 10, 2022

If you are looking for realistic ways to make money online in 2022, you will be pleased to know that this year is likely to bring some of the best advancements in online earning opportunities. eCommerce is set to be the biggest growth industry, cryptocurrencies are going from strength to strength and more people than ever before are looking to the internet to earn a living or make some money on the side.

With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start, but I have picked out some of the best realistic ways to make money online in 2022 for you to consider:

Print on demand

Print on demand businesses are great because they require little to no investment upfront. Basically, you create your own products in the form of t-shirt designs or books and promote them as best you can. When someone buys one of your products, it is printed just for them, shipped out and you earn your money. Print on demand companies will charge a cut for printing your products, but since you don’t have to invest in any equipment of your own, this is a good deal, and a great way to get into business without all of the usual risks.

investingForex trading

Trading has always been one of the most popular ways for people to try and make money online. Many have succeeded, but potentially many more have failed, not because it is not possible to make money trading on the foreign exchange market, but because they jump in before learning the skills. 

That is why, if you would like to earn money trading, I would definitely recommend Forex, but I would also recommend that before you get started, you let RJ Trading Consultants teach you the ropes. I would also recommend that you start small and never invest more m0oney than you can realistically afford to lose.


In the past couple of years, the value of online education has really been in the spotlight, and the demand for good tutors has never been higher, This is a trend that is set to continue well into 2022. So, whether you want to earn a little extra money for your savings by freelancing on the side or you want to build your own tutoring business with endless opportunities for scaling, this could be one industry you will not want to is out on in 2022. 

Sell digital products

There has been a boom in digital products from ebooks to online courses, in recent years, and as even more people switch to digital products, that means you can make a great deal of passive income, by creating high-quality digital products and selling them to a captive audience, The hardest part will be building that audience providing you have an area of expertise that you can capitalise upon.

When it comes to earning money online, there is no such thing as a sure thing, so although it is totally possible to make some money via the internet, and via the above means especially, you should always weigh up your options carefully and avoid investing anything you cannot affords to lose. I wish you the best of luck!


How Extending Your Home Is A Great Idea

by Magical Penny on January 7, 2022

Home upgrades take very different forms and if you are in the mood to have an upgrade done to your home this year, you’re making the right choice. Change is a good thing for anyone, but it’s especially a good thing for your house. Whether you are doing it to sell a house or you are going to enjoy the house you already have, there are always upgrades that you can make that you will love watching come to life. 

The best thing that you can do in your home is learn where you can make the right changes. So, you can extend upwards with dormer lofts, or you can go downwards and dig into the foundations to create a basement. You could even go sideways out of the house to create a conservatory or a playroom. You are able to make changes to your home that will suit you. It’s a great idea to do it, but why? Why should you choose now to make the changes to your home and extend it? Let’s take a look!

  1. You want to make the most of your outdoor space. If you have a larger garden that you want to make the most of, extending your home is going to help you to extend your living area into the outside without any of the worry about rain and wind. You can provide an open eating space that’s all built with glass, which allows you to feel like you’re outside, even when you’re not. A porch is another great extension option to make the most of the outdoor space, because the porch allows you somewhere to relax.
  2. You need a second living area. As the family grows, the need for another reception room can make a big difference. This could be the room where you enjoy time with the kids away from all of the toys. Providing another living area will give you space that you need to spread out a little, and this can really help when you’re corralling children! 
  3. Adding a bedroom. If you’re expanding your family or you want to have a guest sleep space, then adding a bedroom is one of the best things that you can do. You can add a bedroom to the loft with an en suite ready. You can add value to your home and additional bedrooms can be the necessity that you need. Even if your children can share a room, it doesn’t mean that you would want them to. It can often be better to have their own room, and it’ll give your home the space and better value you need.
  4. You want to remodel. Sometimes, an overhaul in your home can make all the difference as to whether you are able to enjoy your home as you need. Making your home lighter, more modern and – in the case of the extension – bigger, will help you to invest in something that will really make a difference. A home can be completely transformed when you choose to extend it, and when you do go upwards, consider a skylight!
  5. For more storage. Oh, what it means to have more space to pack things away, to hide things, to make your home look magazine-ready. Sometimes, a house extension can take place because people need more storage space. 
  6. You want another bathroom. You can extend your home with a bathroom and add a little extra convenience to the space in which you live. Whether you are adding one upstairs or you are hoping to add an additional toilet downstairs, you can make your home more convenient to you! 
  7. You’re planning to sell. It might feel counterproductive to add more things to your house given you’re about to sell it, but this is a good reason to extend your house. You can spend money to make money and an extension could add up to £20,000 to the value of the house. You can extend in so many different ways that’ll add value, even something as simple as a utility room could make the difference between your home selling and not.

The right builders will be able to complete the work that you need to complete with the right planners to help. Whatever your extension goals are, you can make them a reality with the right planning in place. Your extension will change the way your home looks and how you live, too. If you plan to sell, you’ll get more cash for your next buy!