3 Ways to Reduce Bills and Become More Eco-Friendly

by Magical Penny on January 30, 2020

When it comes to cutting down your bills and overheads at home, did you know you can make some changes that are not only great for your bank balance but also good for the environment too?

A lot of people associate becoming more eco-friendly as an expensive venture. Sure, some routes may be expensive at first, but over the years, you will find you can recoup the upfront costs.


Electric Cars

If you are looking for a new car, then it is worth considering going fully electric. Or at least a hybrid. With technological advances, electric cars these days are more capable of holding their charge longer, meaning you can drive further without having to stop and recharge. You don’t even have to buy brand new; you can look for Used Electric & Hybrid Vehicles to help you find a bargain on your next new car.

Did you know you can charge your car for 100 miles for under £5 at home? And on top of that, electric cars are cheaper to maintain and service, saving you money on repairs during the time you own the car.

stamp duty change 2016Insulation

Are your energy bills running away with you? Chances are your home is allowing the heat to escape via various sources, so getting your home fully insulated is essential. As well as loft insulation, you can put in wall insulation and check your windows for draughts. Replacing older style windows to more energy-efficient ones will mean an initial lump sum outlay but will help you keep your energy bills down, thus saving you money on your outgoings each month.

For some simple and effective methods, look at placing draught excluders under or in front of closed doors. Draw curtains when the sun starts to set to retain heat. Floor-length curtains can help you trap heat into the room more effectively. Add rugs to wooden, laminate, or tile flooring and have plenty of blankets and throws handy.

Simply turning your thermostat down a couple of degrees could help you see considerable changes in the amount of energy you use when you have the heating on or use the hot water.

Become More Self Sufficient

Investing in a water butt means you can collect rainwater for use at home. This will help you reduce your water bills and conserve water that you would normally use. Use the collected water for watering plants, lawns and washing your car. You can even use it in the toilet to reduce flushing. People have found success in placing heavy items such as bricks in the tank to reduce the water used per flush too.

Growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs at home can not only provide you with a new hobby but also help you save money. Tomatoes and carrots are some of the easy fruits and vegetables to start off with. See how you get on with these and then add to your vegetable garden. 

Use leftover food and compostable items to make your own compost for your new vegetable garden.

Herbs can be nurtured on a window sill indoors and will give you a supply for your meals. If you want to take it another step further, how about owning chickens to supply you with eggs?


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