Planning On Downsizing? 4 Tips to Make It Easier

by Magical Penny on September 16, 2020

Once the kids have flown the nest, and you and your partner are happily retired (or at least approaching retirement), it’s time to start thinking about downsizing. Doing so can be a fantastic way to feel cosier at home, and not make it seem like you’re taking up far more space than you need. However, downsizing means you’ll need to prepare for a smaller space, so here are four tips to make that much easier. 

Get Rid of What You Don’t Need 

Decluttering can be one of the most tedious parts of moving house, and you might come across a lot of items that you can’t bear to part with. Sometimes, this is okay. You want to keep them for a reason, but most of the time, you don’t need them, so get rid of them. 

There are plenty of ways to do this. You can donate them to friends and family, or you can sell them online if you want to fund other purchases. You can check out these tips to get the perfect product shot and make your items more appealing, which will save you worrying that you can’t shift your office chair before the big day. 

Do Not Get a Storage Unit 

It’s tempting to get a storage unit, especially if you struggle to sell or donate some of your furniture and ornaments. However, there’s a chance you’ll fall into a storage unit rental trap, and this can be hard to get out of. 

If the worst comes to worst, you can donate items in decent condition to local charity shops. You might also have family and friends who can look after these items for the time being. Otherwise, you’re still stuck switching cumbersome pieces that will take up space in your new home, making it more challenging to enjoy. 

Be Aware of Hidden Costs

While brand new furniture is tempting, it isn’t always the best avenue to take. If possible, take existing chairs and sofas with you, but only if they will fit into the new home. 

If not, you can think about looking at used items, especially on social media marketplaces. These are cheaper, and many will be in suitable condition if you keep an eye out for the right bargains. 

Inform The Right People

Whether it’s the bank or your best friend, you should tell the right people where you are going, and you should do this as early as possible. Preferably, you can start letting others know as soon as you have a move-in date, especially for the bank, as they will be able to make a note on your account to direct mail elsewhere. 

This will save you travelling back and forth to pick up mail, and will also save any confusion. At the very least, you’ll only want to travel to your old home once, so make sure you inform people as soon as you can. 


Even though you are moving to a smaller property, taking the right steps for downsizing can ensure you can do so comfortably. Moving anywhere can be stressful, so as long as you’re sensible about what to buy as well as what not to buy, you should be able to make the move as straightforward as possible. 

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