5 Savvy Ways to Save Money With Deals

by Magical Penny on February 9, 2020

This year you made a deal with yourself to enter into super savvy saving mode. If you don’t manage to stick to your plan you aren’t going to reach your financial goals by the end of the year. If you’re still going around in circles and unsure where to begin, there are a few places in which you can cut back. Ultimately these savvy methods will help you to reduce your bills, feel more confident in your financial situation and allow you to reach the money related goals you set yourself at the start of the year.

  1. Car Insurance

If you own a car you legally need insurance, so this isn’t something you can disregard from your expenses completely. However, you don’t have to stick with the same provider that you’ve always had. Shop around for insurance for cars and you’re bound to find better deals than the one you’re paying for right now. If you don’t do some research you will never know if there’s something better out there for you.

  1. Mobile Phone

    You don’t need 60GB of data and unlimited texts on your mobile phone (well…some of you might not..) Consider scaling down your mobile phone plan to make the monthly costs a little cheaper.

    1. Broadband

    Cutting down your broadband package is much easier than you think. Although you don’t want to sacrifice on the quality you could consider shopping around and switching providers. Most companies are quite competitive and won’t want to see you leave; they may offer you a price match if you can prove it.

    1. Television

    How many different television subscription services are you paying for right now? You might think you need all of these things, but you probably don’t watch everything you’re forking out for. From Netflix to Now TV, consider the modes that you actually watch on a regular basis.

    1. Energy

    Every homeowner is always looking for ways to cut down on their monthly household bills; changing your energy provider is definitely one of the best ways to achieve this. The first way to approach this is to look into new and up and coming energy providers. They often offer great incentives for their customers and their rates are much cheaper. You could also call your current provider and explain that you’re looking to lower your monthly payments; they may be able to help you come up with a more manageable monthly plan.

    Sometimes you need to be a little bit ruthless in order to see a really difference in your finances. You can’t go on spending money frivolously and expecting your savings to pile up. You need to make serious cutbacks and assess where you’re wasting money right now. This might involve making a few sacrifices, but it will all be worth it in the long run. Don’t be afraid to ask for better deals and find other savvy ways of making cut backs in your day to day life. There are so many different options to explore; you just need to find the ones that will be most beneficial to your bank balance.

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