Turning A Teaching Career Into A New Gig

by Magical Penny on September 29, 2022

For the teachers out there, there is probably no need to try and explain why you might want to switch careers. It can be incredibly demanding to teach, especially if you have been at it for years and, simply put, some people don’t last as long in the profession as others. Recognizing that a work environment is not for you and finding a better use for your talents is not anything to warrant concern, it’s a prudent move. But, where do you go from there?

Time to graduate?

Perhaps you might still want to teach, but you simply want a change of venue. Instead, you could move from being a teacher in a grade school or a high school into teaching as a college professor. You might need some additional education to give you the credentials necessary, but college teachers benefit from a more mature class. This doesn’t mean they’re perfect or will never be a hassle but most people who make it to college are there of their own choice and don’t tend to act up as much. It does still require a lot of out-of-hours work, however.

Getting abroad

Even now, with the internet at the world’s fingertips, there is always a high demand for teachers who are willing to move abroad in order to teach English. It’s worth noting that these gigs aren’t always the most lucrative, at first, but they can lead to a fulfilling career and a change in locale and culture. It can be a great way to see some of the places that you have perhaps always wanted to visit. However, you will still be teaching, often teenagers, so it comes with many of the challenges of teaching domestically, too.

Take it online, instead

If you prefer the idea of working from home and the flexibility and convenience that this entails, then there are plenty of opportunities for that, as well. You can become an online tutor with relative ease. There are always teaching platforms looking for new members and bringing experience in teaching and your qualifications are very likely to help you become a more popular tutor, as well. Of course, the more specialized your education, the more likely you are to find a niche where you don’t have to compete with as many people, but the market for tutors is thriving at the moment.

Developing educational material

As a teacher, there’s a very good chance that you’ve had to spend plenty of time creating worksheets and other educational materials that your students have to make use of. There are also plenty of teachers and tutors who are happy to download and use such resources that they have found on the internet. As such, you can get paid for creating educational materials for others to use. Some sites will even give you a cut of the proceeds any time someone buys it from them, allowing you to set up some passive income.

There are plenty of opportunities to use your skills as a teacher beyond being in the school classroom. The examples above are just that.

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