The Beliefs That Are Making You Terrible With Money

by Magical Penny on June 19, 2018

Do you realize that the beliefs you have surrounding money are going to play a huge part in how much money you make in life? You can work as hard as you like, but if you have negative beliefs surrounding money, you’ll never feel like you have as much as you want.

Money, like everything else in the world, is just energy. By changing your attitude and perspective on money, you can attract more of it to you. It sounds a little woo-woo, but read a few books on the subject and study people who have a lot of it and you’ll soon realize that it’s true.

So, to start, you need to figure out what beliefs you have that are making you terrible with money. Read on to learn more:

Money Is The Root Of All Evil

If you believe that money is the root of all evil, you will likely never have that much money to your name. This is a very limiting belief to have, and  a false one at that. Some people may prioritize money over things like love and relationships, but that doesn’t make money the root of all evil.

Wanting Money Is Greedy/Not Spiritual

Some people believe that they are greedy for wanting money, and that it is not spiritual to want more money. However, spirituality and wealth go hand in hand. Money should be viewed in a positive way, as it is a way to experience many different things and therefore expand the soul, offering a richer experience to those who have it. This isn’t to say that money will automatically make you happy, but it can certainly make life more enjoyable and offer a richer experience.

Money Is Not That Important

Maybe you tend to think that money isn’t that important. While this might not seem to be a belief that is as extreme as believing money is the root of all evil, it is definitely still a damaging belief. Money is important. We need it to live, and having it means a wealth of experiences that we wouldn’t have otherwise. Make money a priority in your life and you will have more of it.

I’m Just Not Good With Money

Telling yourself that you’re not good with money is a self fulfilling prophecy. You will become what you believe. You can learn to be good with money!

You Have To Work Too Hard To Make Money

Making money sometimes means working hard, but it’s more about doing the right/smart things to make money. You could look into high volatility covered call strategies when investing, for example. It may take a little research to begin with, but you will then know exactly what to do to make money from it.

Money Is Limited

Money is not a limited resource. The sooner you realize that there is enough money for everybody, the better. You can have your fair share and still be incredibly wealthy, if only you believed that you could!

How will you change your beliefs after reading this?


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