Questions That Turn Your Dream Home Into A Reality

by Magical Penny on April 25, 2017

When buying a home, your options are greatly limited to how the market is doing at the moment. Your dream home won’t always be available. At the same time, you’re going to have a much more difficult time trying to find it if you’re looking at every single property through the same lens. We need to have some clear boundaries between what we want and what we don’t. If you want your dream home to be a reality and you want an idea of how much more it will cost, then now is the time to start defining it a little.



Let’s start with what most people think is the defining factor in buying a home (though it often isn’t). The access to some important features within a certain area. Owning real estate near good schools, near retail and commercial areas, and near health centers and hospitals will always be profitable. People are willing to pay for that access, too. You need to think about the needs of your family and how much you’re willing to pay for them. If you’re willing to commute, then you can shave a good deal off of the price.


Most real estate agents know this and so should you. Buying a house isn’t always about the practicalities of it all. They might have some say on a certain radius of areas that you might look for properties within. But choosing amongst those properties becomes a very emotional purchase. If you want real estate with lush natural surroundings for instance, then you’re only going to spend your time getting dissatisfied with properties in the heart of an urban center, for instance. Of course, there are certain lifestyle choices that lead to a more expensive house. For instance, you can always be prepared for pay more for a coastal property. Not just because they’re in high demand, but any renovations and repairs you make will cost more because preventing environmental wear-and-tear is that much more important.


Of course, living in the home brings with it a lot of choices itself. There might be many different kinds of available property in that natural landscape that’s so close to the school you’ve been looking for. Getting a deal you can be happy with is all about defining your needs vs. wants when it comes to living in a home. It might be a need that you have four bedrooms so you and each your children have a separate room. But is it really a need that you have a larger garden? Coming up with those boundaries is going to help you find which way you should be compromising when it turns out the house with it all is just beyond your reach.

Get to know your dream house and get to know how much you can expect to pay for it. Look at the areas where the available properties match your wants and don’t just look at the asking price, but find the data on the deals made on properties in that and similar areas in the past.


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