Financial Advice That You Need To Keep Your Money In Order

by Magical Penny on September 23, 2022

There are certain pieces of financial advice that you need if you want to keep your money in order. If you’re young, you’re probably thinking that it doesn’t matter if yours is in order or not because you’ve got a long time left to sort it all out. While this is probably true, it’s better to be safe than sorry. As well as this, the event of your passing is not the only reason that you would need or want to have all of your affairs in order! For example, you might want to purchase a house, but you need certain financial information that you don’t have because you didn’t take this step.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the financial advice that you need in order to keep your money sorted. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Sort Out A Budget

The first thing that you should do is sort out a budget. While it might not seem like a pressing concern, you only have so much money and the last thing that you want is to go into debt because you aren’t managing things properly. Instead of letting this happen, you need to sit down and work out the budget for your house. Some people will avoid doing this as they think it’s going to take them hours and it’s going to be complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. You simply need to write down one list of all your incoming, and a list of all of the outgoing.

Once you have done that, you can then add up the columns, giving you two final numbers. You need to take the total outgoing away from the total incoming, and that will give you the number that you are left with for luxuries. Just make sure that everything is included in your budget, as you don’t want to forget something, resulting in you not having enough money to pay the bill.

Now You’ve Got A Budget, Update It

Now that you have sorted your budget, you need to make sure that you are updating it regularly. If there are more or less funds coming into the home, this needs to be put on the budget so that it can be amended. If you have any new bills, or there is one that you don’t need to pay anymore, then that also needs to be put down. Really, any change to the finances of your house should be updated onto the budget.

There is no point in having one of these if it’s not accurate, which is what some people seem to forget. As such, update it, or it just becomes a useless list of what you used to pay and what you used to earn.

Get An Accountant On Your Side

Managing your finances is not going to be an easy task at the best of times, which is why you might want to get an accountant or some other finance professional on your side. They will be able to tell you where you are spending too much money, where things are going wrong, and everything else to do with your finances. You will find that having someone like this on your side makes life so much easier and takes so much of the stress out of money. Handling everything yourself is tough, but when you are sharing the load with someone else it doesn’t need to be!

Before you hire anyone, make sure that you have gone through all of the services they offer to be certain they can help. Then, check out the reviews that previous clients have left just to be sure that they do offer the standard of service that they claim to.

You’re Going To Need To Save

At this point, and with the way that the world is at the moment, saving is not really a choice, but it’s becoming a necessity. You’re going to need to put away some money each month, even if it’s only a little so that you have some kind of security blanket in case things go sideways. Of course, we’re not saying that this is definitely going to happen, but it’s worth saving just in case as you never know what is around the corner. 

While you might think that it’s impossible to save in the position that you’re in right now, you might be able to find a way. Perhaps you don’t purchase a coffee on your way to work in the morning, and that small amount can go in the savings. It’s the simple things that can sometimes make the most difference!

Seek Out Advice From Professionals

Of course, there are professionals out there who can offer you advice. We know that we’ve already mentioned accountants and other financial services, so we’re not going to be talking about that again. Rather, we’re going to be looking at getting legal advice on wills and estates as an example. This is important to do at some point in your life, and ideally the younger you do it the better covered you’re going to be. These professionals are able to provide you with the advice that you need to make the best decisions when it comes to you sorting out your finances. They don’t ever come directly in contact with your finances or your estate though, they just help you plan it all out.

Have You Considered Investing?

Most people will consider investing when they have some spare money. Not everyone is going to invest, and not everyone who invests is going to see a return, but this doesn’t mean that it’s not worth doing. There are plenty of types of investing out there, and you might want to do your research into each of them before you make any kind of decision. An example would be that you may want to start investing in forex, which we highly recommend you get professional help to start. Or, you may prefer to stick with real estate investments which are seen as the generally safe option.

The thing that we do want to make you aware of when it comes to investing though is that it is always going to be a risk. There is no such thing as a risk-free investment, and anyone who tells you that there is is lying to you. You have to be willing to lose the money in order to make any gains, which is why you should never use any finances that have already been planned for somewhere else. 

If You Own A Business

If you own a business, you should make sure that you’re keeping your business accounts and your personal finances separate. We know that sometimes people invest their own money into their business, but make sure that it is all done through the business account channels. You absolutely do not want these two things getting mixed up, and while it might not seem like an important thing to do, we promise you that it is. 

Owning a business can be challenging, and you don’t want the financial demands or pressures to negatively impact your personal finances. This will make things super complicated when they don’t need to be, so just keep them apart as much as is possible.

Spare Change, Anyone?

While this might sound like we’re recommending that you go begging on the street, that’s not the case at all. What we mean is that when you have some spare change in your pocket, you could think about putting it in a jar. These little coins don’t seem like much to us, but they all add up if you keep consistent with it and are always putting your little change in there. Eventually, you will be able to tip all of this out at the bank to add into your bank account, and you will be astounded at how much you manage to save from coins that you were never going to use. 

Some people choose to only put their really small change in here such as one and two cents, but others put in larger sums like a dollar, or even five dollars if it’s spare. Just go with whatever you want, but know that the idea of the jar is not for you to take out of it when you decide to, but rather to give you a place to save the smaller amounts. 

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the financial advice that you’re going to need to keep your money in order. It might not seem like a big thing right now, but as you get older you will start to understand the importance of it a little more. Your money needs to be in order as often as it can be to avoid any excess stress or pressure coming from this. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to get everything sorted sooner rather than later to keep your mind at ease. 


No matter how well you conduct yourself in life, other people will accuse you of financial wrongdoing at some point, particularly if you are in a position of responsibility or authority. Unfortunately, it’s just something that comes with the territory. 

When this happens, you need to know how to respond. Acting in a certain way can help you defend yourself and prevent the other party from gaining the upper hand. 

Most people know what they should do when accused of wrongdoing. But fewer people know what they should avoid doing. 

Fortunately, this post is here to help. Here we explore some of the things that you should never do if someone accuses you of wrongdoing. Here’s what you need to know: 

Destroy The Evidence

Even if you’re completely innocent, going around destroying evidence is a bad idea. First of all, it’ll create unnecessary suspicion. If you have nothing to hide, why would you destroy evidence in the first place? 

And secondly, it could be illegal. If you’ve been accused of a money crime, deliberately sabotaging evidence is a crime in itself and could land you in serious trouble, even if you didn’t do anything wrong originally. 

Talk To Victims 

Secondly, don’t talk to the supposed victims or have any contact with them. They may be able to use the things you say as evidence against you in court. 

Also, don’t walk to any witnesses. Again, you may say the wrong thing and put your case in jeopardy.

If you are seen talking to victims, it might be viewed as a form of intimidation or, worse still, a continuation of a crime. If you need to contact the victim for any reason, do so through a trusted criminal defence lawyer. Avoid the temptation to go it alone. 

Talk To Any Law Enforcement Officials Or Investigators

Once you’ve been charged with a crime, do not say anything to anyone without an attorney at your side. An attorney can represent you and ensure that you do not reveal anything that could put your cases in jeopardy. Many people accused of wrongdoing believe that they are defending themselves when they speak. However, in most cases, they are actually digging a deeper hole for themselves. 

Consent To DNA Testing

Law enforcement views DNA testing as a form of modern-day “smoking gun.” It’s the best evidence available, according to many, for pinning the blame on a perpetrator. 

In many cases, it works. But it can also wrongly identify people, particularly suspects who were just passing by as a crime was taking place by chance. 

Because of these reasons, you should never consent to a DNA test. Always speak to a legal professional first before making any decisions about whether to proceed with testing or not. There is no time limit for tests so you have plenty of time to discuss the issue with your lawyer. 

In summary, if someone accuses you of wrongdoing, remain silent and avoid destroying any evidence. Don’t talk to anyone unless you have legal support. 


Four Businesses That Are Financially Viable Right Now

by Magical Penny on September 22, 2022

Are you thinking about setting up a business? If so, then it’s important to know the industries and sectors that are seeing high levels of demand. Here are some of the key options that are worth considering right now if you are in the throes of starting your own company. 


Over the past few years more people have been buying online. This is largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It certainly put everyone including businesses through the ringer and left a lot of people stuck at home. But the reality is that online growth was always going to happen. COVID-19 just sped up the process and increased the deterioration of the high-street. Critically, businesses are not handling their own logistics. Instead, they are hiring outsourcing services. This leaves a brilliant opportunity for savvy new business owners.


Farming is one of the best businesses that you can sink your teeth into right now. Why is this? Well, to understand that we need to look at a bleak picture of the future. Food shortages, water shortages and power shortages are all likely to become more common over the next several decades. If you can buy a plot of land that you will be able to farm, then you’ll be in a strong position personally and financially. Your products are going to be in high demand. You just need to make sure that you are setting up your farm correctly. Luckily there are cost effective farm shed suppliers that make it easy to get the basics in place and establish a strong foundation.

save early, save oftenIT 

Next, you should think about exploring options with IT. The IT industry is going to continue to grow at consistent rates over the next few years. Indeed, there’s no business today that doesn’t rely on IT systems in some shape or form. That’s why this is such fantastic marketing to dive into. There are lots of avenues to explore here. For instance, you might want to think about looking at setting up a business offering IT support services. Or, alternatively, you could become an IT system supplier. Your first step should be creating the right connections in markets like this. 

Investment Management

One final business option worth considering is investment management. As mentioned, the economy is in a tumultuous situation right now. Due to this, people are going to be looking for ways to grow their money and increase their income. Specifically, they will be searching for passive incomes and investments are always going to attract their attention. So, if you can put yourself behind these investments then you will be in charge of a lucrative business model. You just need to find the investments that are going to win people over and that they won’t be able to resist.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key businesses that are financially viable right now and will continue to be attractive in the future. In doing so, you can set up a great business that will serve you well in the long term. 


Four Issues That Will Make Your Home Unliveable

by Magical Penny on September 22, 2022

If you’re a homeowner or you have kids, it’s important to be aware that there are certain issues which will mean that you can no longer continue to live in your home. You will need to move out until the problem is rectified, potentially staying with a relative. In this article, we’ll discuss these issues, the signs and why they are so dangerous for your family. 

Pest Trouble

First, you might find that you have an issue with pests in your home. Pests can be dangerous to your health in the long term and short term. They can also damage areas of your property too. People often think that the first sign of a problem with pests is going to be the insect themselves. This isn’t the case. Instead, you are far more likely to spot skins, droppings, or water marks. These will usually be nearby where the pests hide through the day. However, you will always need the services of a professional exterminator to deal with issues here.

Water Woes

You might also have trouble with water around your home. Water issues can lead to further problems such as areas of your home that are unstable or mould. We’ll discuss mould in more detail a little further down. Water trouble can be caused by an area like your basement flooding due to water building up underneath the surface. Or, you might find that there’s a problem with a pipe that is leaking. You could even find that a pump has stopped working. If you need a water pump repair, then there are services worth exploring online. Some of these provide emergency support so you can instantly get the fix your home needs to be liveable once more.


As mentioned, you could also have mould in your property. Mould can develop anywhere there is moisture and high levels of humidity. Due to this it’s common in places like the basement, the attic, and the crawl space of your property. 

The problem with mould is that there are lots of different types. Some, including black mould, are incredibly harmful to your health. As such, they must be eradicated by a professional as soon as it is identified. If you do notice mould, we recommend you leave your home until the issue is cleared. 

Structural Issues

Structural issues are dangerous and can make any area of the home unstable. This can be due to shifting foundations underneath your property. There are clear signs of structural problems around your home. For instance, you might find that the doors seem to be sticking more than usual. You could also find that some areas of the flooring are uneven. If you notice signs like this, then it’s best to get your home inspected sooner rather than later. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key issues that will mean you can no longer live in your home. The good news is that most of these problems can be dealt with easily if you catch them early enough. 



Making Your Lifestyle More Economical

by Magical Penny on September 21, 2022

Living economically means saving money, energy, time, or anything that you need a little more of; in this article, we take a look at some of the ways you can reduce the spending in your life and live more efficiently. All it takes is a little knowledge and a little forward planning to succeed.  

Meal Planning 

Planning your meals is an excellent way to save money and improve your health. When we don’t plan our meals, we are at the mercy of our cravings which can lead to unhealthy and expensive habits, but meal planning ensures that you are never hungry or overspending. 

Although meal planning sounds like a sensible idea, in theory, it can be difficult to carry it out in practice; and it’s hard enough to plan for yourself as well as your entire family. The best approach is to focus on broad areas like days of the week or food types that are flexible.  

Free Services 

If you’re like most people, you have several subscription services draining your bank account every month; these could be from apps, streaming services, or products you enjoy. The internet has moved in the direction of subscription services recently, but there are free alternatives. 

It might not be the brand name everyone’s using, but you can find free versions of the Adobe Suite of software tools, the Microsoft Suite, and many other digital tools. The same is true for streaming services, apps, and most things that add up to significant sums of cash each month. 

Business Costs 

If you run a small business, you will be interested in saving money wherever you can; the good news is there are plenty of ways to save in whatever industry you’re in. Again, planning is key, plan your finances in advance, and you not only have it under control but encourage investment.   

Cutting business costs also means networking because you can connect with mentors and peer professionals who can offer business tips and advice. If you have a business warehouse, you can save money by investing in wooden pallets to store and manage your inventory. 

Savvy Spending 

Spending is an important aspect of saving; after you spend money, it is absorbed by the economy and needs to be earned again, so pay close attention to your spending and find ways to get the same value for less. An excellent example is when it comes to smartphone deals. 

Smartphones typically operate on a contract model; you buy the phone and the service for a monthly fee. However, the monthly fee can be reduced with savvy spending. Instead of buying the latest device, buy a reconditioned phone and make contact at a lower cost to save. 

Final Thoughts 

As the cost of living continues to rise, it makes sense to live more economically where possible, and the money you save can be reinvested to improve your quality of life or support your business. Find ways to pay for the service you need for less; there are also many free options. 



Property Investment Tips that will Rocket your Portfolio

by Magical Penny on September 18, 2022

If you want to make the most out of your investment, then you have come to the right place. This guide will show you how you could rocket your portfolio today by simply making the right choices with the options you have. If you want to know more, take a look below.

Buy in a Good Area

At the end of the day, nothing adds value more to a property than a surge in popularity. Even in declining markets, it is important to know that certain areas of the country continue to rise in price. If you want to predict where these kinds of hotspots are, then you should know that it’s not just about luck. You have to take into account the transport links, the local infrastructure and also the schools. If you can buy in an area that has just started gaining in popularity, then this can help you to safeguard your investment over the long term.

Don’t Run before you Can Walk

A lot of investors have failed by simply trying to go too big, too soon. At the end of the day, the first few investments that you make should be safe bets and they should be easy for you to gain a return on too. It is a good idea for you to leave multi-home developments and also complete rebuilds until you know that you have a bit of experience under your belt. Even then it is a good idea for you to take your time and work with the experts in your area before you find that you are way above your head.


Good property investments are all about getting your finances as accurate as they can be. If you are not good with numbers, then do not be afraid to hire someone who can help you. Before you even think about buying a property, you have to budget for everything that you may have to pay for. This could include your legal fees, your materials, labour and more. It is a very good idea for you to build a contingency fund too so you can cover any unexpected costs. You will want to talk to someone about your potential ROI if you happen to sell your property too so you can work out your expected yield if you intend on renting out the property.

Use your Head

If you are attending an auction for a property, then this is great but at the same time, you have to make sure that you are using your head. If you let your emotions take over, then you may find yourself in a very dangerous place at an auction. You may also find that your emotions take over and that you end up spending money on a property that you did not go in with the intention of buying. If you go to an auction, then make sure that you have viewed the property already and that you have checked the budget. You also need to have a look through the legal documentation so you can figure out the best price you want to pay for the property. At the end of the day, chartered building surveyors & valuers can come in very useful here.

Maximise your Space

When you have made a purchase for a property, you then have to make sure that you are making use of all of the available space you have so you can maximise your results. If the family bathroom appears to be way bigger than it needs to be, then it is wise for you to figure out if you can make it smaller, or to see if you can add an en-suite bathroom somewhere else. Sometimes it is a good idea for you to figure out if you need to add an extension so you can create a larger living area or even an additional bedroom. Could you turn the cupboard under the stairs into a downstairs toilet?

Talk to an Expert

This is a very important tip when it comes to investments. This is especially the case if you are not familiar with whatever area it is you are buying in. If you have a gap in the knowledge that you have, then you should not be too proud to admit this, and you should be trying to seek advice from a local expert if you can. Local agents and various other investors/experts such as Invest & Co will help to give you an insight into the property you have found and if it really is a good investment. Just be wary of speaking to someone who has interests in the property being sold. The last thing you want is to be swayed.

Finding a Good Mortgage

If you are buying a home using a bridging loan or if you intend to use a buy-to-let mortgage, then it is wise for you to try and shop around. This will help you to ensure that you are getting the best rate possible. Talking with a mortgage advisor is also a good thing. They may have rates that are not available unless you go to them directly. The key here is for you to ultimately do your own research and you also need to speak to an advisor to see who can come up with the best deal possible. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get the result you are going for.

Spread your Risk

A healthy portfolio is ultimately one that is diverse. With most investments, you have to try and make sure that you spread your risk as much as possible. This will help you to protect your capital at all costs. 

Flats are often the best way for you to make a good investment so make sure that you explore all of the options that are available to you here. But diversity doesn’t stop there, get creative. There’s the option of buying, flipping, and selling locally. Renting or leasing numerous properties. Or even buying and selling boutique properties abroad with the help of property management companies like MGP Property.

If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is very easy for you to get the financial stability you need to make the best decisions possible.





Six Ways To Protect Yourself Financially

by Magical Penny on September 16, 2022

investingYour finances are a major part of your life and a matter that will require your time and attention for the best outcome. You’re putting yourself at risk if you fail to make your money and how you use and spend it a priority.

You don’t have to be a financial wiz to find success with this task. Instead, you can be proactive and take actions that will get you closer to achieving financial freedom and feeling more confident about how you manage your money. Here you can learn six ways to protect yourself financially so you can get started on and heading down the right track.

1. Educate Yourself

Begin your journey of protecting yourself financially by educating yourself further on the matter. There are plenty of resources online and books that will help you gain more knowledge so you feel confident about making a financial plan and setting goals for yourself. Gather your financial information and money and figure out what you have and where it’s going. 

Understand your debts and read up on various financial terms. The more you know the less you will have to rely on others to provide you with this type of information. You’ll feel more empowered to make financial decisions and won’t make as many mistakes along the way.

2. Take Advantage of Financial Products

Protect yourself financially by taking advantage of the financial products out there that exist. It can be anything from overdraft protection to securing home owners warranty insurance or starting a savings account. There are a variety of options and solutions out there to try or choose from depending on your needs and situation. They exist to make your life easier and can help you overcome financial obstacles and set you up for a successful and prosperous future.

3. Stick to A Budget

Establishing a budget and following it is one of the best ways to ensure you practice self-discipline and live within your means. It’s a way to create a plan and purpose for your money instead of winging it. Be sure to set your budget for your current situation but then don’t be afraid to go back and adjust it as your circumstances change. It’ll not only ensure that you can pay your bills on time but will give you peace of mind as well. Your budget will guide you in making wise financial decisions and can keep you from overspending.

4. Be Smart Online

These days many people choose to bank over the Internet and online. In this case, you can also protect yourself financially by being smart online. Some ways to do this include creating strong passwords, being social media savvy, and tracking your account activity. Opt-in for alerts and know what money you have and where it is kept. Be picky about what apps you use and always review your credit reports and statements regularly. There are many hackers out there who are ready to intervene with your finances so always be smart and proactive when banking online.

5. Seek Expert Help

You should also make sure that you have a financial plan for the future established. Protect yourself financially by seeking expert help and advice in this area of your life. There are plenty of financial planners and advisers out there that understand how you can set yourself up for a brighter future and work through current financial obstacles that may be holding you back. Find someone you trust and who is knowledgeable and then be open-minded and listen to what they have to say. You don’t always have to take their advice but it is good to learn more and have options you can pick from. Come prepared to ask questions and then work together to weigh your choices and set up a plan for managing your money going forward.

6. Save Your Money

It’s always a good idea to also set up and establish an emergency fund for when things don’t go right or as expected. Life is full of surprises and you never know when you may be faced with an expensive bill or repair. Protect yourself financially by getting in the habit of saving your money up and having it accessible to you in a sticky situation or an emergency. You’ll be glad you have it when an expense pops up and you have the money to cover it instead of needing to use a credit card. Start small and be consistent and soon enough you’ll have enough saved up where you feel comfortable and content. 


How To Ensure You’re Productive When Working From Home

by Magical Penny on September 13, 2022

video callWorking from home has become a lot more popular in recent years. People want to begin side hustles that then turn into big businesses. Some are working from home due to the convenience – even after the lockdown rules no longer apply. Whether you’re starting your own business or doing a little work on the side, you have to make sure that your work is being done in a productive, effective manner. 

So many people become stuck and too comfortable with how they’re living their lives in terms of working from home. They lose motivation and stop being productive after so long. Here are just a few ways you can ensure that does not happen: 

Avoid As Many Distractions As You Possible Can 

It’s so easy to become distracted when you’re in the comfort of your own home. You have so many things around you that are related to relaxing and getting away from working hours, so you have to make sure you create an official working space that allows for genuine productivity. Whether that means removing smartphones, video games, family members that may distract, or anything of that nature. Make it clear that this area is for work.  

Create The Most Professional And Comfortable Working Environment 

Sure, a bland and basic working area could be fine, but that can do a few negative things to your mind. It might firstly bore you after a few weeks or months. It might also keep you in the mindset of being in a comfortable and casual environment. You’ll obviously want to create something that actively makes you want to work. Getting a professional desk, a Humanscale office chair, and a few other pieces can really allow you to feel as though you’re in a productive environment. It’s amazing how these kinds of aesthetic and functional changes can make such a difference. 

flexibility in savings

Understand That It’s A Job Just Like Every Other 

Once you get into the mindset that this is the kind of thing that requires a productive attitude, you’ll get into a much better groove. Create plans like you would with any other job and treat this stuff like it’s what you’ve always done. Don’t view it as a cushy and overly comfortable situation. 

Keep Yourself Energised Throughout The Working Day 

If you’ve not got much energy, then your mind and body will be all over the place. When you’re working with others and in a traditional workplace, you’ll likely do what you’ve always done and eat during an allotted lunch break. It’s more difficult to keep energized when you’re at home because your schedule might be thrown out a little. You’ll feel as though you can do things a little differently and act with a little more leniency – this could lead to you eating less or changing up your eating plan entirely. Your flexibility might also mean you get a little less sleep because you won’t feel as strict regarding your morning and evening routines. Make sure this isn’t the case, and keep yourself energised throughout the day. 



6 Ways to Make Extra Income and Enrich Your Life

by Magical Penny on September 12, 2022

We all have bills to pay and mouths to feed. So, it’s no wonder that most of us are always looking for ways to make a little extra money. But what if we told you there are ways to make extra income that can enrich your life? Here are six ideas to get you started.

Get Paid to Exercise

Okay, so this one might not be for everyone. But if you’re the type who loves to exercise, why not get paid for it? ASFA’s Indoor Cycling Certification is a great way to do just that. With this certification, you can teach indoor cycling classes at gyms and fitness centres. So not only will you make money doing something you love, but you’ll also be helping others get healthy and fit.

Start a Side Hustle

There are endless opportunities for side hustles these days. From dog walking to freelance writing, there’s sure to be something that fits your interests and skills. And the best part is, you can do it on your schedule.

Rent out a Room in Your House

If you have an extra room in your house that you’re not using, why not rent it out? There are several websites where you can list your room for rent. And if you live in a popular tourist destination, you could make some good money! Just be sure to research your renters carefully and set up a contract so everyone is on the same page.

Offer Your Services as a Freelance Writer or Editor

Several companies out there would love to hire you if you’re a talented writer or editor! In addition, you can find freelance writing and editing jobs online quite easily. And the best part is that you can usually work from home, which means more flexibility. So if you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash and work from home, this is an option worth considering.

Be a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker

Do you love animals? If so, why not get paid to take care of them? Several companies out there will pay you to pet sit or dog walk. And the best part is, you get to spend your days surrounded by furry (or not so furry) friends! So if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding way to make some extra cash, this is an option worth considering.

Sell Your Handmade Goods Online

Are you crafty? If so, why not sell your handmade goods online? There are several websites where you can sell everything from jewellery to clothes to home décor. And the best part is, you get to be your boss! So if you’re looking for a way to make extra cash and be your boss, this is an option worth considering. 

There are endless possibilities when it comes to making extra income. And the best part is, there are options out there that can also enrich your life! So if you’re looking for ways to make extra money and improve your life, check out any (or all!) of the options listed above. Who knows? You might find the perfect fit for you!



How To Get Clever With Your Finances

by Magical Penny on September 7, 2022

To be financially savvy, you don’t need to be an expert. Knowing yourself and your talents and weaknesses is the first step toward managing your money wisely. It’s about developing habits that will carry you when your willpower falters. 

Automate everything you can

Automate your savings, your loan repayments, and your expenses. The fewer steps you have to take to get your money where it needs to go, the more likely you are to remain with it. What’s so amazing about automated savings and repayments? Once it’s set up, there should be no additional actions for you to take each month. You can set it and forget it.

Set measurable objectives

It might be difficult to stick to your savings plan, especially when you have to give up something else to make it happen. When you recall the money is going towards something you really desire, you’ll likely feel less of a twinge when you have to miss that extra drink. It’s great to have a goal, whether it’s a vacation, a house, retirement, or even a less responsible-sounding purchase like a flashy new tattoo.

Don’t blow that unexpected gain

Refund of taxes? Inheritance? Birthday cash? As tempting as it may be to indulge yourself, you may be better off putting that additional money into a savings or investing account, or paying off debt. After all, you won’t miss the money if you weren’t anticipating it. And your financial goals will be appreciated! 

High-interest debt should be prioritised

When you have many debts, it can be extremely frustrating to try to spread out your funds to cover all of the repayments. You may need debt help. Does this sound familiar? If this is the case, you should think about using the avalanche debt-relief strategy. 

First, locate the debt with the greatest interest rate. You make the minimal payments on all of your other loans. You then devote everything else to paying off that high-interest loan. After that, repeat the process for the debt with the next highest interest rate. You’ll end up paying less interest overall, and you’ll feel fantastic every time you pay anything off fully.

Invest if you are able to

You will have more money that you can spend or invest. Only by investing can you develop wealth, and you should make it a habit. To get started, you don’t need a lot of money. Simply be willing to learn about the benefits of wise investments and how to get started. Take advantage of the available money compounding chances and invest the surplus income.

Finance books should be read

Perhaps this is the one advantage the wealthy have over the less fortunate. They were reading. Nobody could have greater financial knowledge than you if you put your heart and mind into building your nest egg. 

It goes beyond whatever official education you may have received. You must first learn to teach and then invest in yourself. This is how you educate yourself on how to become wealthier.