To think of an offline and online world as separate entities is already old hat, same too for the way criminals operate.
Increasingly committing crime in the real world is fast taking a back seat to virtual acts. On a daily if not hourly basis we are giving up our personal information, including sensitive financial data, with another entity, virtually. With each of these sharing interactions we increase the chance that a cybercriminal could pounce.
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us, the relentless pressure to spend spend spend in the run up to Christmas is on. Much of this pressure will manifest itself to shopping online using our banking information. If we are increasingly putting ourselves at risk what can we do to mitigate this threat, get savvy and stay safe (both personally and financially)?
This is what online finance firm asked themselves and then set about pulling together some hints, tips and strategies for countering the major cyber threats as well as explaining what they are. You can see this in the handy infographic they have put together.
With just a few simple ideas we can get virtually clued-up and protect ourselves online, making the life of a cybercriminal just that bit harder.
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