How to Sell your Home Faster without Any DIY

by Magical Penny on June 27, 2019

If you want to sell your home fast, you may think that the only way to do this would be for you to undertake a ton of renovations. This can include upgrading the kitchen and bathroom, or even replacing the carpets. If you don’t have the time or the money to take care of all this, then there are a few other things that you can try.

Be Sale Ready

A lot of sellers will be tied up in a chain. This can slow the whole process down. If you want to get around this then you need to make sure that you are as ready as you can be. This means speaking with a mortgage advisor way in advance and also having a solicitor ready to handle your conveyancing. It also helps to have all of the documentation and paperwork ready too, as this will avoid delays in the future. 30% of home sales fall through every single year, so it is important that you pull out the stops and that you get yourself sale ready.

Make your First Impression Count

When someone comes to view your property, they will probably decide right there and then whether they like it or not. You have to make sure that your curb appeal is good and that you really give the garden a good tidy. It also helps to clean down the drive and to mow the lawn. If your outdoor space is unkept then this can set off warning bells to buyers. They may think that you don’t care about your property, or that there are hidden repairs due to lack of maintenance.


A buyer will really want to see themselves in your home. For this reason, you need to remove any clutter. It also helps to take down any personal photographs too, as this will help your buyer to envision exactly what they want from the property.

Use a Good Estate Agent

If you are not sure if you’re choosing the right estate agent or not, then drive around your local area. Look around for any signs that say “SOLD” and take note of the estate agent who is advertised. This will give you a good idea of who is good at what they do, and it will also help you to sell your home faster too. Some estate agents will be proactive and they will also try and get a much higher offer from buyers, so this is another bonus. If you don’t have time to do all of this, try a property buyer like ‘Flying Homes’. They can give you a cash offer, so you won’t have to go through an agent.

Pet Sitter

If you have a pet, it’s worth asking a family friend to look after them for any viewings. Some people have a fear of dogs, and others just don’t like to see cats prowling around the property. Either way, it helps to get them out of the way so that your buyer can feel as comfortable as possible throughout the entire process.



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