How To Save Money When Buying A Property

by Magical Penny on July 8, 2021

Buying a property is a big investment. However, there are ways that you can save. It doesn’t have to cost as much as you anticipate if you have the right tips at hand. If you are looking at purchasing a property and want to save money, here’s how.

Find a cheaper plot of land

Whether you are looking to build your own home or purchasing one already built, it will help to look at cheaper plots of land. 

For building your own home, you can work with a real estate developer who can help you with finding the perfect plot for your budget. 

If you are looking to purchase a home that is already built, then you will look to consider the area you are buying. Some areas of a town will be more expensive than others due to facilities nearby and the price of the land itself.

Consider downsizing 

When it comes to buying a house, you need to assess the space you need. If your current home is too big, then you might want to consider downsizing. 

Downsizing your home and setting lower space expectations will decrease the price of the home. Most homes are valued depending on the number of bedrooms they have. So if you can afford to lose a bedroom or two, then it will help you save money. 

Ask for a discount

Most homes are put up for sale at a face value. It won’t hurt to ask for a discount as you never know what the sellers might expect. 

They are more likely to accept a lower offer if they have had little interest. Thus, you should ask if there are many other potential buyers. If they say no or hide the answer, then you should ask for a discount on the home and save yourself some money.

Take a trusted friend or family to the viewing

Taking a trusted friend or family member to the viewing with you will boost your confidence, which could help encourage you to ask questions you wouldn’t otherwise. It might also help you pluck up the courage to ask for a discount. 

Furthermore, the person viewing the property with you might notice cons to the property that you didn’t realize. If they notice cracks in the ceiling or broken features, then you can assess the property and use these issues as a reason to be offered a discount.

Emphasise that you are ready to move in ASAP

If you let the homeowners know that you are ready to move into a property as soon as possible, then they might be willing to accept your lower offer. They might have other interested buyers, but they might not be wanting to move in quick. 

If a person has their home up for sale, they likely want to move out too. Thus, they will want to sell the home quicker and be willing to accept a lower offer. You could let them know of this before the viewing so that they can warm up to you, which will further encourage them to offer a discount.


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