Five Ways to Keep Your Money Safe

by Magical Penny on January 2, 2024

You don’t need to be told how important it is to keep your money safe, but how do you know it truly is? There are lots of security measures in this day and age that help us keep our money safe, and while you might be using them, it’s up to you to make sure that your hard-earned cash stays where it should – in your possession. So, is your money safe? Let’s take a look at what you can do to ensure that it is.

Check your accounts regularly

It might seem like a bit of a pain, but checking your accounts regularly (weekly at least) can help you identify any transactions that don’t look right to you. You should also check all of your transactions and compare them with receipts to make sure you were charged exactly what you thought you were. Doing this regularly gives you the chance to rectify any issues you find, either with your bank or the merchant that has made a mistake.

Be careful of scams

There are so many scams out there these days. Unfortunately, as the world has wised up to scams, so have the scammers. They can make a scam look like a normal transaction, so it’s important to be aware when buying anything. Venmo scams are a great example – if you’ve paid for something via Venmo recently, you could receive contact from “customer service” claiming something went wrong. Lots of people fall for this and end up giving their Venmo details out, allowing these scammers access to their accounts. When using any external service for payments, be sure you’re actually speaking to the company. You can do this by checking the validity of the email it was sent from or calling their customer service directly.

Don’t make impulsive purchases

It’s now easier than ever to buy things thanks to online stores and services like PayPal. Making impulsive purchases can also lead to bad financial habits, so it’s important to try and put a halt on impulsive buying. If you want to make a large purchase, sleep on the decision and see how you feel the next day. You’ll find that you’re much less likely to buy something you don’t need and, therefore, are keeping your money safe.

Know what’s going out and when

Many people use direct debits for the convenience of not having to worry about physically paying bills, but it can lead you to think large amounts missing from your account is normal. Memorise which bills go out and when, and check them! If more has gone out than expected, call the company and find out why. Keeping on top of this prevents even trusted companies from charging you more than expected.

Online use online banking at home

Finally, when it comes to internet banking, it simply isn’t worth risking it when out and about. If you need to check your bank, make sure you only check at home, where you can trust the WiFi is secure. Make sure you put antiviruses in place on your devices, and opt for the extra security so that you can rest assured your finances are as safe as possible.

 To keep your money safe; here is more advice: Financial Advice That You Need To Keep Your Money In Order.

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