First Carnival

by Magical Penny on February 10, 2010

It’s Carnival time here at Magical Penny and I am thrilled that two of the foundational articles at Magical Penny passed through the nomination process to appear in not one but two carnivals!

For those of you who have not come across a blog carnival before, it is a weekly collection of recent articles on a particular subject (in this case, fiannces). The carnival moves from blog to blog, and gives readers a chance to see the best of each week’s writing.

The Carnival Of Personal Finance

This week the Personal Finance carnival was hosted by JD Roth of Get Rich Slowly fame, one of the largest personal finance blogs on the Internet. I am thrilled that my article ‘Why it’s okay to lose money in a savings account’ was selected from 72 submissions to be included in the carnival. Here’s what JD had to say:

Adam at Magical Penny has a thought-provoking look at why it’s okay to lose money in a savings account. He argues that even while inflation is chipping away at the value of your cash, there are great reasons to build your savings. I think his advice is right on.

The Best of Money Carnival

The second blog carnival that Magical Penny was featured in was the Best of Money Carnival hosted this week by Rick Francis, editor and writer of Pondering Money, a blog that aims to think “in different ways about money“. This carnival only features the top ten money posts each week so I’m thrilled that my Thermals of Wealth article was selected from over 50 article submissions:

Adam presents Thermals of Wealth posted at Magical Penny.   Adam focuses on the first step to financial success: saving. I liked Adam’s writing style and I hope you will too.

A big thank you to both Carnival editors for featuring these Magical Penny articles.

There are some brilliant posts in both carnivals covering every side of personal finance: from the basics, if you are starting out on the journey to growing your pennies, to more complex investing strategies. I highly recommend that you click through to the carnivals and see what might be of interest and inspire you to think about your pennies in a different way.

The Carnival Of Personal Finance

The Best of Money Carnival

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