Common Mistakes that Most New Business Owners Make (And How to Avoid Them)

by Magical Penny on October 20, 2020

investingBuilding a new business can be a rollercoaster experience to say the least. At the end of the day, there will be days when you struggle and there will be days when you feel on top of the world. Even though there will be a lot of ups and downs, you still need to make sure that you don’t end up making too many mistakes. After all, every mistake you make may end up putting your business at an even greater risk of failure.

Slashing your Prices Too Soon

You may be tempted to cut your prices when you first start your business, but you have to try and avoid this as much as possible. If you cut your prices in a bid to get more sales, then you may find that you end up attracting customers, but soon find that they are not loyal to your business. They may be coming to you because you are cheap, and not because they appreciate your service. One issue with this is that when you put your prices up again, you may find that you end up losing them for good and this is the last thing that you want.

save early, save oftenNot Having a Business Plan

Another common error is for you to not have any kind of clear business strategy. If you don’t know how you are going to succeed, then there’s a high chance you won’t. Having a good business plan is crucial because if you don’t have one then you may struggle to understand your priorities and you might even find it hard to measure success. If you are aiming to build a business, then you need to have a good process in place from day one. If you don’t then you may find that you end up struggling to build a good foundation and this is the last thing that you need.

Not Having Insurance

Believe it or not, it’s vital that you have insurance. You may need hire & reward insurance or even buildings insurance. Third-party liability is also crucial. If you don’t then you may find that your dream grinds to a halt before you have even had chance to get things off the ground. Sure, insurance is an expense but if you don’t take it out, then you are guaranteed to pay more in the long run.

Failing to Plan

Even if you have a business plan, you have to make sure that you plan for any unexpected long-term costs. If you don’t invest in your business in the short-term, then this will impact you in the long run. That being said, you need to make sure that you balance everything out so you don’t end up burning out too quickly.

Trying to do Everything Yourself

You can’t do everything yourself, so why try? You have to make sure that you are investing a good amount of effort into your company success for the future, but sometimes this means letting go of responsibility rather than taking more on.



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