3 Sensible Ways To Spend A Financial Windfall

by Magical Penny on October 24, 2019

A financial windfall is a big opportunity but it’s often wasted.

If you come into a lump sum of money, whether it’s from a bonus at work, an inheritance, or even a small lottery win, it’s important that you do something sensible with it. It’s so easy to see it as free money and spend it on something frivolous for yourself, but that’s the worst thing to do. If you are sensible with your windfall and you spend it in the right way, you can improve your finances in the long term and set yourself up for the future. These are some of the most sensible ways to spend your financial windfall. 

Pay Down Debt 

The most obvious thing to do is pay off a chunk of your debt, but a lot of people don’t like doing this because it feels like they’re wasting the money. But the thing is, you cannot achieve financial freedom when you’re saddled with debt. This windfall is your chance to regain control of your finances and clear those debts for good. Once you pay off your debts, all of that extra money can be put in savings or spent on things for yourself, so you will be in a much better financial position. 

Even if you don’t have any big credit card debts or loans to repay, you should consider paying off a portion of your mortgage. If you have a big lump sum to play with, you could knock a few years off your mortgage and get yourself a lot closer to financial independence. 

Update Your Will 

It’s important that you have a will, no matter how young you are, because you need to decide what happens to your money. But there are also certain things that you have to arrange and pay for, and if you get a bit of a windfall, you can use that opportunity to deal with those things. You could look into pre-paid funeral plans, for example (visit https://heartofenglandfuneralcare.co.uk/ for more information.) It’s not the most exciting thing to spend money on, but it means that you don’t have to worry about it again. 

Invest In Your Home 

Home renovations are expensive, but you should consider them an investment. If you make changes that add value to the property, you will get that money back if you ever sell the house. The problem is, you don’t always have the money there in the first place and if you are trying to be financially independent, you may not want to borrow it either. But if you come into some money, you could use it as an opportunity to invest in your home. As long as you choose the right renovations and only do things that boost the value of the property, it’s a very wise way to spend that extra money. You should also consider keeping some aside to act as an emergency fund for home repairs. If you visit https://www.propertymark.co.uk/, you can see a good list of the best improvements to make. 

When you get a financial windfall, it’s important that you don’t waste it because if you spend it in the right way, it can help you to improve your financial situation in the long term. 

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