5 Ways to Balance Human And Digital Customer Service

by Magical Penny on March 14, 2022

Excellent customer service is one of the most effective ways to get your small business noticed and boost your reputation. For many companies, it is the most important way to grow their business as, without good customer service, you will not get repeat customers, and word of mouth will quickly deter others from using your product or service.

Technology has made customer service more streamlined than ever, and many companies rely on chatbots to cover a range of common issues. However, this approach is not for everyone, and many consumers will roll their eyes if they think they are talking to a machine. Still, this doesn’t mean digital customer service does not have its place, but it’s vital to find the balance between the two. 

Give Customers the Option 

Businesses cannot rely on just one means of customer service, so it’s always better to give your customers the option. Relying solely on chatbots can mean that customers go around in circles, but you may not have enough customer service agents to keep wait times down, which also causes frustration. 

Allowing customers to choose between human and digital services will relieve the strain on your workforce and systems. If it’s not an urgent issue, a chatbot is more appealing. However, anyone with a processing problem may prefer an immediate answer, which makes a human customer service agent the preferred method. 

Use Responsive Services 

If you are going to rely on chatbots more often than not, especially as an initial solution, you must make sure that the services are responsive. Customers who could be upset (or downright furious) will not want to wait around for a robot to contact them, so the quicker your bots respond, the better.  

This responsiveness is also essential on the human side yet it can be tricky to keep up with multiple requests if you’re serving several customers at once. To avoid any confusion or accidental interaction, you can visit click4assistance to find out how the software can make it easier for agents to jump from customer to customer with no problems or mistakes and give them the most responsive and clear assistance they can. 

Identify Which Option Works Best 

Some queries are easily solved whereas others can take much longer to figure out. As a customer service manager, you must identify which option works best for the specific query. Even if your company defaults to chatbots, you can use your customer service system to work out what the customer wants and whether it should be passed along to a human agent. 

Chatbots are best for solving smaller questions such as opening times or anything on your FAQ section. While you may refer customers to navigate there themselves, not all of your customers will be technologically literate, or they may just prefer confirmation for some questions. If you can solve the simplest issues through digital service, you free up space and time for more complicated questions that your agents can fix. 

Use Machine Learning 

The majority of chatbots operate using AI, but to be successful for as long as possible, you must use machine learning so that they adapt as the company evolves. The more questions they are introduced to, the better they will be at recognising different questions, which allows the bots to provide the right answer to increasingly difficult questions.

This doesn’t mean there will eventually be no use for the human aspect, but it will make your software more efficient without frustrating customers to the point of them raising legitimate (and reputation damaging) complaints. It may also be worth doing training exercises in between to enhance the bots’ performance. 

Always Follow Up 

If there is one thing a bot cannot do, it is follow up after a query has been resolved. Anyone who knows anything about customer service will tell you this is an essential component that all customer service teams should do. It demonstrates that you care about the customer and will encourage loyalty. 

A phone call or email to the customer will give you the chance to find out ways to improve your customer service processes. This can involve a survey or feedback form, and you can use the provided information to make changes where necessary. 


Human and digital customer service methods can work hand-in-hand, but only if you implement them the right way. By following this advice, you will have no trouble serving your customers for a wide range of inquiries and requests to ensure they have a fantastic experience whether they spoke to a real-life agent or a machine. If done right, they won’t know the difference, but as long as their problem is solved, it should not matter. 


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